These variables specify which column(s) of the dataset are available. Note that variable names used here must exactly match those in the header of the data file, otherwise the extractor will not be able to match it up with a column.
Category | ID | Long Name | Units |
typetemp | T0.56 | 0.56m temperature | degC |
typewind | U0.56 | 0.56m wind | m/s |
typewind | U0.8 | 0.8m wind | m/s |
typetemp | T1.12 | 1.12m temperature | degC |
typewind | U1.12 | 1.12m wind | m/s |
typewind | U1.6 | 1.6m wind | m/s |
typetemp | TSoil100 | 100cm soil temperature | degC |
typetemp | TSoil10 | 10cm soil temperature | degC |
typewind | Dirn10 | 10m wind direction | degs |
typewind | U10 | 10m wind speed | m/s |
typerain | Rain | 1sec rainfall | mm |
typenull | Sdur | 1sec sunshine | secs |
typetemp | T2.24 | 2.24m temperature | degC |
typewind | U2.24 | 2.24m wind | m/s |
typetemp | TSoil20 | 20cm soil temperature | degC |
typewind | U2 | 2m wind speed | m/s |
typewind | U3.2 | 3.2m wind | m/s |
typetemp | TSoil30 | 30cm soil temperature | degC |
typetemp | T4.48 | 4.48m temperature | degC |
typewind | U4.48 | 4.48m wind | m/s |
typetemp | TSoil50 | 50cm soil temperature | degC |
typetemp | TSoil5 | 5cm soil temperatrure | degC |
typewind | Dirn5 | 5m wind direction | degs |
typewind | U5 | 5m wind speed | m/s |
typewind | U6.4 | 6.4m wind | m/s |
typetemp | Tsoil | Bare soil temperature | degC |
typenull | CNR4T | CNR4 radiometer temp | degC |
typenull | Ch28 | Channel 28 | |
typenull | Ch32 | Channel 32 | |
typenull | Ch33 | Channel 33 | |
typetemp | Tconc | Concrete temperature | degC |
typenull | iCP | Corrugated plate current | pA |
typenull | Sd | Diffuse solar radiation | W/m2 |
typenull | Sb | Direct beam solar radiation | W/m2 |
typetemp | Td | Dry bulb temperature | degC |
typenull | iFP | Flat plate current | pA |
typenull | Sg | Global solar radiation | W/m2 |
typetemp | Tgrass | Grass temperature | degC |
typenull | G | Ground heat flux | W/m2 |
typenull | Ldw(uc) | Longwave-down(uncorrected) | W/m2 |
typenull | Luw(uc) | Longwave-up(uncorrected) | W/m2 |
typetemp | Tw | Measured wet bulb temperature | degC |
typenull | Rn | Net radiative heat flux | W/m2 |
typenull | PointDischarge | PointDischarge | V |
typenull | PG | Potential gradient | V/m |
typewind | U | Propeller U | m/s |
typewind | V | Propellor V | m/s |
typewind | W | Propellor W | m/s |
typenull | R38 | R38 | |
typetemp | RH | Relative humidity | % |
typenull | Sb(csd3) | Sb(csd3) | W/m2 |
typenull | Sdw | Shortwave-down | W/m2 |
typenull | Suw | Shortwave-up | W/m2 |
typepres | P | Station pressure | hPa |