Past extremes and averages

Today is 25-April
The following are statistics for the five-day period 21-April to 25-April
Lowest since 1908 (1956 for sunshine) Lower 5th percentile Average 1991-2020 Upper 95th percentile Highest since 1908 (1956 for sunshine)
MSL pressure (mb) 983.0on 1969-04-22998.51014.31029.71037.3on 1919-04-21
Daily maximum temperature (C) 5.0on 1908-04-2510.615.922.326.1on 2011-04-23
Daily minimum temperature (C) -2.6on 1997-04- 2007-04-25
Daily mean temperature (C) 1.9on 1908-04-246.611.115.517.1on 2011-04-23
Daily rainfall (mm) 1908-04-25
Daily sunshine (h) 2020-04-21

The following are statistics for the period 21-April to 30-April
Lowest since 1908 (1956 for sunshine) Lower 5th percentile Average 1991-2020 Upper 95th percentile Highest since 1908 (1956 for sunshine)
MSL pressure (mb) 983.0on 1969-04-22999.01013.81028.11040.6on 1948-04-26
Daily maximum temperature (C) 3.9on 1919-04-2710.415.421.126.1on 2011-04-23
Daily minimum temperature (C) -2.8on 1976-04-291.16.310.512.6on 2007-04-25
Daily mean temperature (C) 1.9on 1919-04-276.610.814.917.1on 2011-04-23
Daily rainfall (mm) 1908-04-25
Daily sunshine (h) 1977-04-27

The following are statistics for daily observations in the month of April
Lowest since 1908 (1956 for sunshine) Lower 5th percentile Average 1991-2020 Upper 95th percentile Highest since 1908 (1956 for sunshine)
MSL pressure (mb) 978.4on 2012-04-18996.31015.01030.61043.3on 1938-04-11
Daily maximum temperature (C) 1.6on 1966-04-148.914.221.026.7on 2018-04-19
Daily minimum temperature (C) -4.2on 1922-04-02- 1945-04-15
Daily mean temperature (C) 0.2on 1911-04-064.99.714.418.2on 2018-04-18
Daily rainfall (mm) 0.00.0month total: 48.67.837.3on 1908-04-25
Daily sunshine (h) 0.00.0month total: 169.612.213.9on 1977-04-27

The coldest years this month since 1908 : 6.3 C 1917 ; 6.5 C 1986 ; 6.6 C 1922
The warmest years this month since 1908 : 13.0 C 2011 ; 12.3 C 2007 ; 11.6 C 1943
The driest years this month since 1908 : 0.8 mm 1912 ; 0.9 mm 2007 ; 1.7 mm 2011
The wettest years this month since 1908 : 132.6 mm 2000 ; 119.8 mm 2012 ; 106.8 mm 1998
The dullest years this month since 1956 : 77.4 h 1966 ; 84.9 h 1961 ; 100.0 h 1998
The sunniest years this month since 1956 : 250.9 h 2020 ; 234.0 h 1984 ; 232.5 h 2007
Statistics relating to the current month/year can be found here.

The following are statistics for daily observations in the season of Spring
Lowest since 1908 (1956 for sunshine) Lower 5th percentile Average 1991-2020 Upper 95th percentile Highest since 1908 (1956 for sunshine)
MSL pressure (mb) 968.2on 2008-03-10997.51016.01032.21045.3on 1929-03-01
Daily maximum temperature (C) -0.9on 2018-03-017.414.322.431.9on 1944-05-29
Daily minimum temperature (C) -11.3on 1947-03-07-0.85.511.416.6on 1944-05-30
Daily mean temperature (C) -3.4on 1909-03-034.09.916.024.0on 1944-05-30
Daily rainfall (mm) 0.00.0season total: 132.37.741.1on 2023-03-31
Daily sunshine (h) 0.00.0season total: 486.812.515.5on 1985-05-30

The coldest years this season since 1908 : 7.4 C 2013 ; 7.7 C 1962 ; 7.9 C 1986
The warmest years this season since 1908 : 11.1 C 2011 ; 11.1 C 2007 ; 11.0 C 1945
The driest years this season since 1908 : 39.2 mm 1990 ; 43.2 mm 2011 ; 43.8 mm 1944
The wettest years this season since 1908 : 277.7 mm 1979 ; 234.6 mm 1981 ; 233.0 mm 2023
The dullest years this season since 1957 : 321.5 h 1981 ; 345.0 h 1991 ; 355.2 h 1983
The sunniest years this season since 1957 : 766.5 h 2020 ; 604.6 h 1990 ; 595.7 h 1997
Statistics relating to the current month/season can be found here.

Note that highest and lowest value dates shown are the earliest dates that such an extreme was recorded. The value noted may have occurred on several dates, especially the sunshine extremes.
A description of the climate and weather of Reading this month can be seen here, while the weather on this date last year can be seen here.
Recent climatological observations made at 0900 GMT can be seen here with continuous automatic weather station information here.