Extract Reading Seed Trial Ground data from database

1. Define the start date for which you would like to obtain data - missing variable values will be returned as an "x"



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to change all dates to today

Might your date selection depend upon the variables you wish to download? If so, check here (note - there may be some gaps):

Variable From Until ----Variable From Until
Air pressure
Station pressure as read (ins) 19450615 19680930 | Station pressure (mb) 19450615 19680930
09GMT temperature
Dry bulb temp (degF) 19450615 19680930 | Wet bulb temp (degF) 19450615 19680930
Dry bulb temp (degC) 19450615 19680930 | Wet bulb temp (degC) 19450615 19680930
Dew point (degC) 19450615 19680930 | Vapour pressure (mb) 19450615 19680930
Relative humidity (%) 19450615 19680930
temp. extremes
Maximum temperature (degF) 19450615 19680930 | Minimum temperature (degF) 19450615 19680930
Grass minimum temp (degF) 19450615 19680930 | Maximum temperature (degC) 19450615 19680930
Minimum temperature (degC) 19450615 19680930 | Grass minimum temp (degC) 19450615 19680930
Mean daily temp (degC) 19450615 19680930 | Daily temp range (degC) 19450615 19680930
soil temperature
10cm soil temp (degF) 19450615 19680930 | 20cm soil temp (degF) 19450615 19680930
10cm soil temp (degC) 19450615 19680930 | 20cm soil temp (degC) 19450615 19680930
cloud and wind
Cloud cover (oktas) 19450615 19680930 | Wind direction (point) 19450615 19680930
Wind direction (deg/10) 19450615 19680930 | Wind speed (Beaufort scale) 19450615 19680930
Wind speed (kn) 19450615 19680930
weather and visibility
Present weather (code) 19450615 19680930 | Today snow(5) or sleet(1) 19450615 19680930
50% snow cover at 09GMT(1) 19450615 19680930 | Today thunder heard(1) 19450615 19680930
Today hail any size(1) 19450615 19680930 | Today hail(0,4-7) 19450615 19680930
Visibility (old code) 19450615 19680930 | Visibility (new code) 19450615 19680930
Today fog at 0900GMT (1) 19450615 19680930 | Today gale force winds(1) 19450615 19680930
Rainfall 24h from 09GMT (ins) 19450615 19680930 | Rainfall 24h from 09GMT (mm) 19450615 19680930
Rain day 19450615 19680930 | Wet day 19450615 19680930
Very wet day 19450615 19680930
temperature counters
Air frost, air min<0C 19450615 19680930 | Ground frost, grass min<0C 19450615 19680930
Frost day, air max<0C 19450615 19680930 | Warm day, air max>=25C 19450615 19680930
Hot day, air max>=30C 19450615 19680930 | Warm night, air min>=15C 19450615 19680930
snow depth
Total snow depth (cm) 19450615 19680930 | Fresh snow depth (cm) 19450615 19680930
state of ground
State of ground (2 digit code) 19450615 19680930 | State of ground (1 digit code) 19450615 19680930
Sunshine duration (h) 19450615 19680930 | Sunless day (0h) 19450615 19680930
Sunny day (12h) 19450615 19680930